Skene Library is part of the Four County Library system (4CLS). That allows Skene patrons to request books from the online 4CLS catalog which lists books from all branches of the 4CLS that have their collection online. The requested books are then delivered to Skene once a week and the patron can pick them up locally. Right now Skene’s books are not listed in the on-line catalog.
But the inter-library loan system is about to really expand. NY State has mandated that all libraries must be automated by 2021, so our library must start the automation process that will allow other 4CLS patrons to request our books. The inter-library loan expansion will greatly increase the books available to Skene patrons and will also give us more frequent delivery of requested books – from one to two days a week.
In order to expand our services we need two kinds of help from our patrons:
VOLUNTEERS – to help us barcode the 8000 books in our collection so they can be added to the 4CLS online catalog.
DONATIONS – to pay for the barcoding materials and printers, as well as the ongoing access cost to participate in the 4CLS online system.
Please contact Linda Rodgers our Librarian at 845-254-4581 or come by and sign up to Volunteer or make a Donation
Skene Memorial Library 1017 Main Street Fleischmanns, NY 12430
Budgets are tight everywhere these days, and the cost of heating the library remains high. The funding from state and local governments covers only a portion of our budget so we supplement it with our fund-raising book and tag sale each May.
Please drop by and make a donation or mail your donation to Skene Memorial Library PO Box 189 Fleischmanns NY 12430
Skene Memorial Library is a member of The Four County Library System, a cooperative network among Delaware, Broome, Otsego and Chenango counties, which extends considerably our “book borrowing” capacity. Ask our Librarian about it or 夏季游戏节steam多款游戏开启免费试玩,加速器选有趣:1 天前 · 夏季游戏节是什么一个情况呢?这是steam官方举办的一个游戏免费试玩活动,这个节日只要在 6 月 17 日起,在免费游戏的页面点击领取试玩即可免费下载游戏哦,本次节日活动截止在6月23日凌晨结束,具体内容随着有趣加速器编者往下看看吧!
Skene Memorial Library has 4 public access computers for internet surfing, research or Microsoft Office applications. In addition there is free wifi access for your own laptop.
Posted on by Fred
Skene Memorial Library
Is Now Open to the Public:
BUT we are still following
NYS Covid-19 safety rules:
Posted on by Fred
Past Movie Screening – Nov. 2
Posted on by Fred
Remembering Dorothy Minion
Posted on by Fred
It is with sadness that we note the passing of Dorothy Minion who worked for many years as a daily Skene Memorial Library volunteer and also as a librarian substitute. Library visitors will remember Dorothy for her kind and mild demeanor and for her hard work.
Just short of her 91st birthday Dorothy died suddenly on August 31, 2024. Born in Manchester, UK on November 13, 1928 she attended school in England and, before coming to the US, worked as a bookkeeper at a cigarette factory.
With her husband Norman Dorothy emigrated to the US in August of 1964 and was employed as a secretary at Lebanon Hospital in New York City. In 1980 she moved to Fleischmanns where she has lived ever since.
In memory of our late colleague and friend, The Board of Directors of Skene Memorial Library has decided to rename the reference room The Dorothy Minion Memorial Reading Room. Donations in memory of Dorothy Minion may be made to the Skene Memorial Library, Fleischmanns, NY.
Skene Memorial Library – A Proud History
Sometime around 1894, summer resident Mrs. Alexander Skene first proposed the idea of the creation of a Library for Griffin Corners. (As known physician Dr. Alexander Skene had a summer home east of Griffin Corners, and enjoyed their time in the Catskills immensely. It took several years, but plans progressed, and a Board for a Library Association (one type of Library then quite popular in New York State–not municipally -President. Other prominent citizens such as DeWitt Griffin, Mrs. T. C. Banker, and Mrs. George H. Lasher were on the board. Plans progressed slowly.
In July 1900, Dr. Skene died, but Mrs. Skene continued to pursue the goal of creating a library, now to be named in his memory. Funds were raised, including a $5,000 donation from famed industrialist Andrew Carnegie. (Carnegie endowed many libraries all over the country, but this was special to him–he and Alexander Skene had been boyhood friends.)
The cornerstone for the building was laid in November 1901, and Griffin Corners finally had its library. Skene Memorial Library is unusual for it is one of the few area libraries built AS a library. As people and conditions changed, the Association Library structure no longer was working here, and in 1930 the building was turned over to the Village of Fleischmanns, and Skene became a Municipal Library.
In 2001, in honor of its centennial, Skene Library was placed on both the New York State and the National Register of Historic Places. A special Postal Cancellation was held to observe the centennial.
The Board of Trustees of Skene Memorial Library
monthly meeting is suspended until further notice.
Digital Patchwork Quilt
Skene Book Group
The Skene Book Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11AM in the Library. The listed meeting dates below will be rescheduled after library reopens. 永久免费外网加速器
Jun 18 Jefferson’s Daughters by Catherine Kerrisen Jul 16云帆永久免费 by Michael Ondaatje Aug 20A Three Dog Life by Abigail Thomas Sep 17A Changed Man by Francine Prose
For further information, please contact the Library Director, Linda Rodgers at 845-254-4581 or emailing:
New Book Acquisitions
A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende The Secrets We Kept by Lara Prescott American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins A Minute to Midnight by David Baldacci Agent Running in the Field by John Le Carre Once Night Falls by Roland Merullo A View Across the Rooftops by Suzanne Kelman Abigail by Magda Szabo The Third Daughter by Talia Carner The Train To Crystal City by Jan Jarboe Russell
Belleayre Mtn. Ski Center
Belleayre Music Festival
Catskill Center
Catskill Watershed Corp
Delaware County
Delhi Chamber of Comm
Fleischmanns, NY
Fleischmanns Museum
Hist Society of Middletown
NYS County Historians
Roxbury Arts Group
The Times of Halcott
WIOX Radio
Writers in the Mountains